
Stillwater [2021] - Movie Review

A father landed in an unfamiliar country, surrounded by unfamiliar faces & culture, to give her daughter & himself a second chance! by Bodhisattya Pal Stillwater promised to be a thriller with tenseful hunt for clues, violent revenges & emotional flashbacks. Matt Damon was perfect to be a large, strong & violent father looking for the real culprit for whom his little girl is suffering in a foreign jail. But nothing like that happened; the movie followed a different approach! Stillwater is actually a real gentle movie where Damon is a 'yes ma'am' type calm American father with an eagle tatoo on his arm & an unusual job to do for which he is not 'trustworthy'! And this thing srprised me! Stillwater doesn't consist of any chase sequence, any thrilling fight, any masterful court room scenes; its different; it actually consists of a process to survive in a foreign land, to love someone from all the heart, to make ownself a better human from a ...


INDIA in TOKYO OLYMPICS 2020 LIVE UPDATE 🇮🇳🎌🎎🎌🇮🇳 DAY 0 23/07/21 1. Women's Archery Ranking Round♀️🏹🎯: 🇮🇳Deepika Kumari: finishes at  9th position [score: 663] 😄 ( now she will face 🇧🇹Karma on 27th July in pre-quarter final ) 2. Men's Archery Ranking Round♂️🏹🎯: 🇮🇳Pravin Jadhav:   finishes at  31st [Score: 656] 🙁 🇮🇳Atanu Das: finishes at   35th [score: 653] 😞 🇮🇳Tarundeep Rai:    finishes at 37th [score: 652] 😟 ( quite a disappointing show from men archers especially by Das ) * Mixed Team Scenario: Deepika - Pravin duo got 9th rank; they will face  🇹🇼 in Round of 16 tomorrow OPENING CEREMONY: DAY 1 24/07/21 🔥1.  Women's 10m Air Rifle ♀️🧿: •Qualification: 🇮🇳 Apurvi Chandela: finishes at 36th [621.9] ❌😞 🇮🇳 Elavelin Valarivan: finishes at  16th [626.5]  ❌   😟 2. Mixed Team Archery ♀️♂️🏹🎯: 🇮🇳 Deepika Kumari &  Pravin Jadhav •Round Of 16: v/s 🇹🇼: win 5-3 ☺️ •Quarter Final: v/s 🇰🇷: los...